About me
Ahmed Khottary Oraby, B.Pharm., M. Pharm., Ph.D.

I’m Ahmed Oraby, and I hold a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Alberta under the guidance of Dr. Fred West. Hailing from the vibrant city of Giza, Egypt, I initially pursued a BSc in Pharmacy from Misr University for Science & Technology, followed by an MSc in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry from Beni Suef University in 2016.

In 2014, I embarked on a research journey as a visiting research scholar in the lab of Dr. Paris Georghiou at the Department of Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland. My focus revolved around the design and synthesis of antimicrobial small molecules. In 2016, I joined the lab of Dr. Rod Russell at the Division of BioMedical Sciences, Memorial University to work on the design and synthesis of HCV inhibitors.

Currently, I’m a Postdoctoral Fellow of Chemical and Structural Virology in the lab of Dr. David Marchant at the Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology. My research is placed at the interface of medicinal chemistry, computational drug design, and virology, where I am building inventive pathways to tackle current and emerging viral infections. 

My Education

College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Drug Manufacturing 

Department of Chemistry

Division of BioMedical Sciences 

Department of Chemistry


Research interests:
Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
Molecular Virology
Computational Drug Design (Docking, MD simulations, and AI)
Structural Biology

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Updates about my research (Coming soon..)

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A summary of Mpox outbreaks, new variants & deaths in South Africa and Africa that we are tracking and make data public in real time. Clade IIb causing first 2 deaths in SA and new variant, Clade Ib, emerging in mining town in DRC. A short thread ⬇️

Research Publications Controversial Take:

it's not just about volume but impact.

Focus on where your work truly contributes to the conversation.

Less can indeed be more.

In a new Science paper, researchers describe how they stereoselectively snipped a C–H bond and added aryl groups to the position three or four atoms away from the carbonyl carbon of cyclic carboxylic acids:

This is a web app for determining column chromatography parameters based on TLC conditions which was put together by a member of our Discord - it's based off of earlier published work

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